Thursday, May 20, 2010

Meet Gracie and Rocky, two foals who beat the odds.

Gracie, was born on a Sunday afternoon, at nearly the exact moment her mother died. So terribly sad. Her mother's parting gift to her must have been her great heart, as Gracie wasn't to be held back by details!
She was happy to take a bottle, right from the get-go, and after two failed attempts, (hours and hours of work), to get her nursing from surrogate mares, she convinced her humans that she prefers her milk from a bottle or a bucket - thank you very much!
She has a lovely old companion mare in the paddock with her but would rather hang out with humans and dogs.
Last Saturday we had the privilege of baby-sitting when her people went to a wedding. But I felt like a substitute teacher in a room with a six year old boy stomping his feet and telling me 'that isn't the way we do it home!' Gracie only drank half her formula (she gets 5 cups every 3 hours) and turned her adorable nose up at the rest as if to say, 'you aren't my mom.'
Of course, when her 'human' parents came home, she emptied the entire bucket and a bottle without coming up for air!

Then there is Rocky, named for the scary start his life had. After a long awaited birth - he was several weeks overdue - he was unable to pass food from one end to the other. He was in terrible pain and his life in danger. He was shipped to a vet clinic right away, where they medicated him through his pain while they fought to get his digestive system up and running.
Just when it appeared that he couldn't be saved and his people were faced with that daunting decision to stop his suffering, he made a remarkable turn for the better. This picture of him playing with his mom was taken about a week later!
Rocky is happy, healthy and gaining weight by the day!

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