Sunday, September 19, 2010

Peer Support

I'm here to say that although writing for me has been a solitary endeavour, I thrive on peer support.
As a member of the KOD-RWA  (Kiss of Death chapter of Romance Writers of America), I have joined a subgroup that plays together for a week, four times a year.
And what the heck does that mean?
Four times a year, the shout goes out on the KOD loop, for people who want to join BIAW (Book In a Week).

This then becomes a group of twenty to forty writers who are split into two teams with equal numbers of those who have committed to either write part time (less than 4 hours per day) or full-time (more than 4).
Each person reports to the team leader at the end of the day, with their word count.
The team leaders, who are actually writing for the opposite team, keep the tally and cheer everyone on.
For one week, I write only new words, no editing is allowed. And each day, I try to beat my wordcount for the day before.
Yes the team with the most words wins... the only prize, is praise from each other and a grand sense of accomplishment for everyone who played on either side.

This week, I have been so busy with my newly complicated life, that I would have written absolutely nothing... if I hadn't had the team waiting for my wordcount. So I got up at least an hour early each morning and wrote.

The over 5000 words in my brand new WIP (work in progress), would NOT  have happened without the support of my peers.




  1. Congrats and keep up the good work. Remember you do need some sleep for good health.

  2. Congratulations, Kathy. I'm right behind you with 4,151 words. It was a fun week and since my book is a shorty and I'd already plotted it and written about 50 pages, I finished my rough draft.

    Looking forward to writing with you in December. :) Linsey

  3. Wow, Linsey, Congrats... doesn't that 'finished' feel great? Mine's only getting warmed up so I'm hoping by the next BIAW I'll be working toward 'the end'. See ya in Dec.

    ha ha, thanks Karen, I've been scolding some of the kids in class about skipping sleep so I'd best make sure I'm practicing what I preach! cheers and happy painting.
